agCap sharefarmer receives award for quality milk

Originally posted October 27, 2016

agCap would like to recognise the achievement of Ji Streets in receiving a Milk Quality Award from Dairy Australia. The award is provided to dairy farms that were in the lowest 5% of farms across Australia for annual average bulk milk cell count (BMCC), a measure of quality of milk produced. Dairy cows with lower BMCC are generally able to produce more milk, being a positive driver for farm profitability.

Ji Streets is the sharefarmer for the Midlothian farm, which forms part of the Cradle Coast Aggregation. The farm is part of the Sustainable Agriculture Fund and is owned by Australian superannuation and institutional investors.

agCap is proud of Ji Streets and the other agCap sharefarmers for their commitment and passion for dairy farming. Ji was able to achieve this award on a farm milking 540 cows. This is almost double the national average herd size of 284 cows.